Thursday, February 25, 2010

Increasing Sales Productivity

1) Do your least favorite things first and force yourself to be fake happy about them. This will spring board you to a productive day.
2) Plan ahead to ensure you eat healthy- If you haven't been eating healthy it can greatly affect you productivity and energy. Not eating healthy is usually a cause of not having any specific fitness goals.
3) Start the day off by telling someone that you love, that... you love them. I know a novel idea, but by putting others first you will put yourself in the right mindset to put others first for the rest of the day. It is difficult to be an effective listener if you are always focused on you.
4) Plan the day- Make sure you have a list of five things that you would like to accomplish today. Prioritize them from top to bottom. the most important should be relative to your long-term goals as well. Plan out your time effectively. try to manage your time in 30 minute increments. Race yourself to see how long it takes to complete a task. Small things like this can trick your mind into motivating your body to be more productive.
5) Dress for Success- The image of yourself to yourself is the most important image. Your self image. Most people are wrapped up in what others think of them. if you will only try to get right what you think of you the advantage in life is yours. You can never please everyone else, but there is only one you to please.
6) Do something to grow your pipeline today. I don't care how busy you are, how many proposals you have to write, how many customers you have to see. By building your pipeline daily you will never have to worry about dry spells with no sales.
7) Learn something today- Dedicate yourself to learn from your mistakes and others' mistakes as well. Find a resource to learn more about your trade. A blog like this one is a great idea. :)

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